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Once Upon a Haunted Highland Mist

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Once Upon a Haunted Highland Mist – A Witchy Historical Romance Novella

A witch’s curse against a lover’s vow. Only a heartbreaking sacrifice will tip the scales.

When nightfall comes, and the haar blows in, bar yer doors and cover yer heads. For the vengeful fog of Tarbat Ness comes to order MacDanua’s pipes to play for the pleasure of she who was scorned. If ye hear their mournful melody in full, fall to yer knees and bid yer life farewell. For tragedy comes to claim yer soul before the toll of the year’s last bell.

For over two hundred years, Chieftain Wolfe MacDanua has been cursed into the painfully twisted form of a half-blind beggar until the evil mist comes each evening to restore him to his former greatness and forces him to play the pipes for his spurned lover, Morrigan-the-wicked, a powerful witch who lends new meaning to the saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. The only brightness in his wretched existence is Ethne. The precious lass who somehow sees past his grotesque, wasted shape and cares naught a wit about his past sins. But she must go from MacDanua Castle and never return. For her own safety. Because the darkness senses her. And it comes.

Ethne Fearn knows that most of the villagers will stone her on sight because one of her eyes is blue and one is green and she bears the devil’s mark, a red stain on her throat in the shape of the North Star. They believe her to be a witch. Just like her foster mother, Morrigan-the-least, granddaughter to Morrigan-the-wicked, the sorceress who cursed Tarbat Ness. But Ethne doesn’t care. She’ll risk stoning and anything else to help her beloved Wolfe.

Ethne and Wolfe can break the ancient curse. But only with a sacrifice that neither of them wishes to make.



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